Colours and Colour Spaces
This section is about colours. Here I will give a brief introduction to colour spaces. I really don't have much idea on how they are used, but there are people who can really tell the difference between one shade of colour and another to a very fine degree...
The most familiar of colour spaces uses 3 primary colours which can be mixed together to produce any other colour of the rainbow. You should be familiar at least with Red, Yellow and Blue. You may remember getting covered in these colours at school during art classes. But what are you familiar with nowadays. Something like this?
It's easy for the user to pick a colour here, but most people will not pay attention to the other information, What is Hue and Saturation? And why have we got a choice of Lightness or Brightness? The numbers are different certainly, but do they actually make a difference in what you see? Which begs the question, is what you see 'real'. A colour blind person will perceive the visual world in a completely different way to me, so I hope my site is accessible to you, and please let me know where I've gone wrong so I can update and advise other amature web site authors. (Not that I actually know any, but I will put it our as far as I can).
Eventually these pages will show how the above colour square was produced, and probably gripe (and applaud) the American spelling of Colour (Color) as this allowed me to produce my own colour conversion class named Colour....
More on why I did that will be forthcoming. It should be mentioned that there is a link here between my programming pages and this section. You will have to dig around and find it yourself though - later , as it's not written yet.